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Improving Data Security for Small Businesses

by | Apr 12, 2019

When most people think of a cyberattack, they picture malicious malware or ransomware coming from the dark web to infiltrate their system, corrupting files, stealing information and generally wreaking havoc. However, it’s often something simple like a negligent employee or contractor opening a  “phishy” email or downloading a suspicious file that leads to business data loss and disruption.  

No matter how small or large a computer network is, its built-in antivirus is rarely enough to protect it, which is why improving information security is so important. 

It doesn’t take much for a network to be infiltrated and infected, and it doesn’t take much to protect it from outside and inside threats.  

Verizon’s “2018 Data Breach Investigation Report” found that 58% of all cyberattacks target small businesses. That number is up 15% over the past two years. So, while it’s true that large corporations account for the high-profile attacks, small businesses aren’t immune.  

Cybercriminals, organized and lone wolves, target small businesses because they’re more vulnerable. Independent businesses often don’t invest in network security because they either don’t want to spend the money or take the time, which can be a damaging decision.  

There is a myriad of ways to improve information security for small businesses. Some are as simple as regularly changing passwords and backing up data files. Others are more extensive, thorough and effective, such as contracting for network management. World Backup Day is celebrated every March 31 to emphasize the importance of protecting digital information.  

Strengthening employee passwords is one of the easiest steps. The Ponemon study shows that 40% of businesses hit by cyberattacks were the result of compromised employee passwords.  

Increasing the IT budget is an easy way to improve information and network security. Paladin offers many services such as DataWise™, SystemWise™ and Managed Network that provide data backup and network management that can protect businesses of all sizes 24/7.  

“The real question is, can you afford to not take the proper precautions?” asks John Oetinger, director of Managed Network Services at Paladin Data Corporation. “What is the cost of your business being down for days because of something as common as malware?”  

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