Executive Perspective: Practicing What We Preach
Our core philosophy at Paladin is that automating business processes and putting data to work simplifies retail and lets owners focus on building relationships with customers to grow their business. We work hard to practice what we preach by using technology to turn our clients’ feedback into products that help them do their jobs more efficiently.
We use a tool called Net Promoter Score (NPS) to keep our finger on the pulse of our business and gather feedback from our clients. We use that data to turn their comments, suggestions and requests into solutions that can benefit all our clients. And as Paladin’s chief experience officer, it’s my job to represent their issues, needs and requirements.
NPS is really pretty simple. It’s a quick survey tool that asks clients on a scale of 0 to 10 to rate their satisfaction with Paladin. Those surveys also gather comments and requests. The comments or suggestions sometimes develop into a theme that we can address by either enhancing one of our internal processes or by creating a new software feature or integration.
We are proud of our ability to quickly respond to our customers and adjust to their needs or develop new tools to improve their lives. We can be responsive because, as a private company, we are not bogged down by investors or a board of directors that can’t act without months of study and a vote. If we see something we need to do, we can jump on it and do it, which benefits all our clients, and NPS helps us identify those wants and needs.
An enhanced method for tracking serial numbers is an example of a new feature that resulted from the desire of our clients and prospects. We received several inquiries about streamlining the way we track serial numbers in Paladin. The numbers are used to identify individual items, not just product categories. They are used to keep track of warranty, rental and sales history of items ranging from chainsaws to heavy equipment to restricted products.
We visited a prospective client who has a large landscaping business and equipment supply company. The owner loves how our retail platform works and says it could help him run all aspects of his business, but he needed a way to automate the historical tracking of equipment such as riding mowers and tractors. We were able to accommodate his needs by improving the automation of serial number tracking. Now that client and many other Paladin customers will benefit from this newly enhanced serial number tracking feature.
The work of our Customer Experience Organization and feedback from our NPS system provided the impetus for the development of that new feature and many others. We recognize we’re nothing without our clients and it’s our job to make their jobs easier. Our sole focus is developing products that simplify retail operations and get business owners away from their back-office desks. You can’t build a business by doing inventory or sitting at your computer doing reports, bookkeeping or schedules. You build it by getting to know your customers and listening to them. NPS is a valuable tool for putting that feedback into practice and offers the ability for us to advocate for our customers.