Paladin People – Mona Steen
Sharing is Caring for Mona Steen
Paladin Data Corporation provides innovative software solutions that help retail businesses run better. But ask just about anybody involved with Paladin – employees to clients – and they’ll say its customer support is just as important as the product to the company. For the past four years, Mona Steen has been a key member of that team.
In the world of software and hardware, Mona is one of Paladin’s technical service representatives who provides thoughtful, caring assistance to stores in need. In a way, she’s kind of the den mother of Paladin’s hardware support squad.
“I definitely see myself as a people person,” Mona says. “I love talking with our customers and working to solve their problems.”
Paladin clients obviously like working with Mona, too. Here are just a few of the comments she’s gotten over the past few months.
- “Mona went above and beyond to help resolve our issue. She went the extra mile to research and figure out where a $10.04 difference was while educating me on how I might find it if it ever happens again. If you have an employee of the year award I’d like to nominate her. You should clone her!! She is the best!!!”
- “We recently had some staff changes and our daily POS reports have been a little challenging. A shout-out to Mona Steen for her help in identifying and correcting our procedures. Thank you!”
- “The staff is always friendly and willing to assist no matter the issue. I had an issue that ended up not being Paladin-related … Still, Mona called back to check on us to make sure we were up and running. That’s something you don’t get from other suppliers. Thank you, Mona. Thank you, Paladin.”
Unlike a lot of technical support workers who come from tech backgrounds, Mona’s strengths are in building personal relationships, solving challenges, and providing concise customer support. A significant part of her life was as a “stay-at-home mom” raising her and Michael’s children, 22-year-old Dillon and 20-year-old Haley. She did that while turning houses in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Lakewood, Colorado; Red Lodge, Montana; Cave Creek, Arizona; Elko, Nevada and Cottonwood Heights, Utah into homes for her growing family.
In the past, she dabbled in real estate and provided customer support, from home, for Jet Blue airlines. The Steens wound up in Bend, Oregon, Paladin’s support and development campus, to care for Michael’s parents. Mona happened upon Paladin by driving her daughter to high school.
“I saw the sign driving our daughter to school and decided to check into the company,” she explains.
That was four years and many happy Paladin clients ago. Nowadays, Mona is easy to spot. She’s the one walking laps around the office, talking to store owners on her headset, solving their challenges, and helping their stores run better.